That's how I feel. Tired, wrung out. But its the third day of antibiotics for a bladder infection, that actually I did not know that I had. How's that for dumb? I knew I had a severe back ache, but it kinda came and went. I figured I just pulled something.
I knew I felt tired, but I just chalked it up to other things. I went to the Doc on Friday (for one of those "yearly" things) and found out that I had this. Huh? Who knew? Obviously not me. LOL.
Now, I'm wishing I had a magic wand. I have so much to do and no energy to do it with. Aargh! (Can you tell, I've laid on the couch and watched pirate movies all weekend long? Cool, I finally get "World's End" or some of it anyway.)
Here's what I have NOT done over the weekend, which I should have done. Goodies from an Estate Sale on Thursday. Have not even taken them out of the bag yet. That's sad I tell ya. And another sad, the movie, "The Notebook". Good grief...that was a roll of toilet tissue. sheesh. I should not be bladder probably needs that fluid!
This box of Fall goodies needs to be marked and taken up to the booth.
Not to mention, trays that need to be painted. Flocked paper that needs to be put on frames. Clothespins that need to be stamped. Elves. I need elves. But let's just see what's on TBS.
*sigh* This pile mocks me, "we should have been made into books back in July!". Yeah, yeah. But wait, cool. Elvis night on TCM. Don't ya love those clothes and that hair from the 60's? I want a poof on the back of my head, like that 60's hair.
Even this pile of goodies from Lisa, can't break my malaise and couch potato mode. Tsk, tsk. Shame on me.
Not to mention, that "the shower" is this coming weekend. ohmygosh. And yet, I just want to go curl up in bed. And watch another movie. Or better yet, sleep. I'm so full of water and cranberry juice that I slosh when I walk. Really, no more fluids please. And honestly, I'm not trying to whine, I tell you this to explain my four day absence.
But hopefully tomorrow will be the turning point, and I will have lots to show you as the week goes on. I know, blogging with obligation and all that....but I do like to visit with ya at least three or four times a week. At least.
But for now...back to the couch. Where's that remote?