Yesterday, I got the chance to spend some time with a dear friend. My friend, Ruthe, had been interested in learning how to create some of the artwork that I do for my journal pages.
To her, my pages always looked like they were created in Photo shop. I assured her, that was not the case, and proceeded to teach her how to layer with inks and collage. Above is her beautiful finished work! Isn't it wonderful? I'm so proud of her!
I loved her art work so much. After I scanned it, I got to thinking it would be a great piece for my journal. I had been looking for something to do the lyrics "Blackbird" on. I thought this was perfect. Above is after I added my hand-writing to her artwork. I hope you don't mind, Ru...its too perfect for my journal.
Before Ruthe came over, I was practicing some inking and layering. Here is my before and after of some of my artwork, that I had photocopied. You can really see the difference. The after is just several layers of inks, Prisma Pencils and coffee spray.
There's nothing like a day of creativity and good gab with a dear friend to make the world seem right. Thanks Miss Ruthe for coming over to play, I hope we can do it again soon.