Gah. I was an absolute grumpus this morning. Poor Sweet Hub had to bear the brunt of my bad attitude and overall frowny demeanor. And I was in this state for no reason in particular other than I just worked myself into a bad mood, bah! humbug. LOL.
But Dad offered to take us to the movies this afternoon. He wanted to see the new Brad Pitt flick. I could not bring myself to sit through that. No offense to QT, but I think a bad mood does not need to see killing and the likes of all that stuff. So I went and saw this again instead. Yep, twice now. And it was the perfect remedy.
But, now that I've begun reading THE book, I knew that that was not just any blue Buick being lowered onto the docks in France, but indeed, "The Blue Flash" itself. I swear I grinned like a dope when that scene came on. Just cause I knew that one little tid-bit that I had not known before. As I've said before, my simple mind is easily amused.
But the movie was equally good this time, if not more. And yep, I still teared up at the ending. And when we left the theater, I wanted to go buy flowers, and cook fish in butter and make a beef stew. Yep, I did. So, I bought some basil in hopes of making some Bruscetta tomorrow for lunch. We have one fresh tom left over from last Sat's Farmer's Market. So, we will see.
And today, just a few new things on Etsy. I found all of these at the last sale I went too!
This P. Kaufmann fabric piece is so gorgeous! Very french. Oui!
Only to be out done by this very girly, square, floral wreath! Pretty in Pink.
But this dolls dress was the "piece de resistance"! So cute. The details were what I really fell in love with. Well, they were red. LOL. I just think this would be so cute hanging on a wall. Or over a child's toy, red, ironing board. I could not believe that I snatched this up before someone else did.
I grabbed all of these at the last Estate/garage sale that I attended. Most of the other stuff, pillows, sign, etc. I kept for myself. These three things are on my Etsy. I just put them there now. And I have a few other things that I'll be putting on my Etsy later this week. Buttons, some neat destash packets and hopefully, Itsy Pumpkin Canvases.
But for now, I guess I'll go and have sweet dreams of France, fresh flowers and fish, cooked in butter. Lots of butter.