Peter Pan said, "isn't it wonderful, what clever girls can do?" Well, I happen to be the lucky recipient of one of those, oh-so-clever girls! Lookie, lookie! Ain't it pretty? I won, I won! Yaaaay, me! :)
Love the details...the small glittered round on each banner tip, the snowflake at the top of each piece and I LOVE the colors. So gorgeous. LOVE the color..did I say that already?
And sweet Terri, even sent me this:
I'm such a goober for red...LOVE this!
And the word, "Smitten" says it all. That's pretty much how I feel about Sweet Hub...I'm pretty smitten. are to dear and I'm so grateful to be the lucky gal that won! Let me show you just a peep of the cuteness on her blog:
These were on her blog today! Too stinkin cute, I tell ya!
And love these! She made these herself...see I told ya...clever girl! And she has recipes too! Oh...and check out the cute roses she made out of coffee filters, you will love em. See? Peter Pan would be sooo impressed. As am I.
If you have not had the chance to check out Terri's cute blog, The Gypsy Magpie, go do it! She has such an imagination and just makes the cutest things. She is a very, very clever girl.
You are a very lucky girl! The banners are beyond cute! I checked out her blog, I am going to add it to my favorites! I think I am going to try and make the flowers. I will put them on my to-do list! My long to-do list!
Posted by: denise | February 18, 2011 at 06:01 AM
You sweet, sweet girl- I'm SOOO thrilled you liked your goodies! Thank you for the sweet post. Xoxo
Posted by: thegypsymagpie | February 18, 2011 at 07:11 PM
Oh wow you are so lucky, such a fabulous prize to win
Posted by: Alison Gibbs | February 21, 2011 at 01:03 PM
LOVE the peter pan quote, Cindy!! I am off to check out this blog-I'm betting it's a great one!
Posted by: [email protected] | February 21, 2011 at 06:28 PM
Smitten here too.
Lucky girl you are!!
Posted by: Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups | February 22, 2011 at 06:02 AM
Thanks for introducing me to a creative new blog. I'm heading right over there next!
Posted by: Mitzi Curi | February 25, 2011 at 03:29 PM