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« Before and After....of Me | Main | Gearing Up for the Big BRRRRRRRR »

January 24, 2011


debbie york

Oh you've been creating all right...a new you! I wanted to tell you how fabulous you look with the sassy hair and the new bod...not that you weren't cooler than cool before. I just know how hard you worked to get to this place where you are in charge of your life and how proud I am and for you.


I thought that little tag collage was cute as the "before" but the tea bath really brings it home! Glad you found your desktop again- isn't it frightening how quickly it disappears?!!

kathy lowry

OH YUMM !! LOVE _LU V this -- the elements -- the colors -- the script -- the paper -- what is now to love !!! KAthy - ga ♥--
ps except --more more more !~


See what uncovering your desktop will do!! Beautiful tag and I love the vintage look after the coffee bath!


dee dee

Love the tag especially post bath! :)

So great to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by. I was catching up on your blog. I don't think I've stopped by for about a month. It looks great and you look wonderful! Congrats on the better health!
I get where your coming from on better blogging and MORE blogging. I keep thinking I'll get to it more, but as of now I can only swing Sundays. I'm OK with once a week. As far as better, I think I need a class. I LOVE yours. You have all the cool bells and whistles!
Glad to hear from you again.
weirdbird :)

O.K., now!!! I'm all caught up and are aMAZing!!!! To get off of the diabetes medicine is such a triumph.
You kick those red boots up way high-all the way through that clean office of yours!
many hugs,

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