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January 09, 2011


GAh!!!! Toooooo cold.
I love your husband for taking you out. What a sweetie.
I'm hoping for creation inspiration to hit for you but with that weather, I think I would hibernate!

kathy lowry

Yeah sweetie!! we are in the deep freeze here and --ice on the roads -- all my peeps safe and snug and all have power (for now ) so happy here --been a couch potato with hub late breakfast and now --checkin"
in on my bloggy buds !! THen creatin -- hmm a pretty good list Love the chair -- awesome -- KAthy - ga ♥Stay snug !!! KAthy - ga ♥

Mitzi Curi

Hi Cindy! It sounds like you have a case of "bloggers block", which, like "writer's block", will probably disappear if you don't dwell on it. I just don't want you to put pressure on yourself. Blogging should be fun, and I think your readers would totally understand if you need a little break.

Stay warm!

The Gypsy Magpie

Don't worry... we're still gonna be here waiting for you to post. Things in life do tend to get in the way sometimes- but go ahead and enjoy them!
And always, you are worth the wait with your funny sense of humor and your beautiful art.


Hey Girl - I'm catching up on news here and oohhhh no - shingles? That's awful. I hope all is getting better and by the way you had a super accomplished 2010! LaVerne and I are sending pictures this week for a PC entry - a shabby chatelaine and sewing box as one class and will include everything but glitter...or paint haha. We have till Friday, right? Do you have a venue yet? Feel better and here's to a wonderful 2011. xo Nancy


Hi Dear One!
I cannot believe how cold it is here in Texas right now! Holy cow! Hope you are well and can't wait to get my Cowgirl on!

Best wishes,


You haven't failed until you give up and stop blogging. So, be of good cheer and blog when you can. I'd miss you if you stopped completely! :)


I am a bad blogger as well. I wonder if it is contagious? It is if it can travel over the internet and cover the states between Texas and Rhode Island. I believe anything is possible! I love the rooster redo. When in doubt paint it off white or brown like I just did to the toilet paper holder in the bathroom!
I like what Mitzi said about bloggers block, I have it from time to time as well!
You have a lot of people who will be here whenever you post! I love your blog!

tumble fish studio

Happy New Year! The bad blogger bug bit me too - months ago. I've been getting a little better at posting but horrible at commenting when I visit. Kinda sneak in and peak and slip out. But wanted to come by and see how you are and tell you I was thinking 'bout ya! Hope all of your wishes come true this year!


p.s. tell your husband to tell my husband lunch and shopping is what husbands do for their wives! hee hee

Dee Dee

I am catching up on reading blogs so no bad blogger spankings from me. :)

The cold has kept me from wanting to do much so far. I hear it's supposed to be warmer this weekend. I sure hope so! We still going to try to get together this month? LMK honey.


Hey, just stopping by to say hi, lady! I hope that you are feeling better.

And, is that snow I see in TX? Isn't the weather crazy?? I heard on the news that there was only one state in the continental US that didn't have snow last week --- Florida!


I'm so jealous, you guys got the best snow. We had drizzle. The kids were bummed. That chair.....I have loved that ratty thing since I first laid eyes on it a year ago. Why is it we love things that look like they should have been tossed into the trash 30 years ago! Lisa

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