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August 26, 2010


Mitzi Curi

Estate sales around here are a little more civil, but I've never been one to camp out the night before to be first in line....I prefer auctions....that's where I really load up!


You are so funny! I needed that laugh, and you're not kidding about those estate sales. I innocently wandered into a few, and boy did I get stomped, pushed, and see things snatched.


LOL! My neighbor's aunt went around with post its and a sharpie , writing who got what on everything. After the funeral they had like...a treasure hunt! What a hoot!
PS You got some great stuff! But you always do.:)


'Round here, they give numbers & only a certain number (20 maybe?) are allowed in the house at once. And, I have also noticed a lot of older folks...many of them yakking about they had this or that in their attic already.

You scored some great stuff!

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