My poor sad little Etsy. When I put it on vaca this withered and almost died. LOL. Poor little thing!
But, I did get to do some Estate Sale shopping over the summer, so I'm slowly stocking the shop back up. If you want to see anything, check it out here!
Have I told you about our Estate Sales? My friends, Sandra and Pat, have the BEST ones. The only problem is...everyone knows it. And believe you me, crowds gather.
Their sales always start at 8 am. And just like a ride at Disney, there is always a line of people, waiting. Yes, waiting.
And when the door opens...the MAD rush begins. I'm not kidding. You would think there where free gold bars inside the way everyone scrambles and pushes to get in. An Estate Sale. It ain't Filene's Basement people...its an Estate Sale.
Granted there are good deals to be had. Yes, indeedie! But, that by no means should justify the frenzied grabbing of goods and foot stomping. Foot stomping you say? YES. I've had to announce loudly, "if one more person stomps my foot...I'm gonna start kicking shins people!". And thats just amongst the peeps that I know (usually other dealers). There were giggles...but I was serious.
Given that most of the house are small, I guess its bound to happen, once, maybe twice...but five times? Hmmm.
And grabbing of goods? Count yours truly amongst that action at the last sale. Sandra pointed me in the direction of a area of vintage sewing notions (my personal fave), as another shopper approached, I whipped out a plastic bag and just started showing things into. No matter what. If it was vintage and sewing, it was MINE. Hey, at least I did'nt stomp his foot.
But all in all, most are nice. One
lady graciously pointed out that there were two of the Milady tins, when
I complimented the one she had in her hand.
Most of the people these sales are usually friends and other dealers, but the majority of folks are "ahem" older. Much older. And I don't mean that to be offensive, I just find it intriguing.
Cause personally, at some point in my much later life, I plan to start jettisoning stuff out of my house, faster than a Sea Captain throwing cannonballs off of a sinking ship. At that point, I'm don't think I'll be shopping for more old junk.
And maybe I'll have my own Estate Sale.
And hopefully, lots of really older people will come and shop.
And we will hold the foot stomping to a minimum! :)
Estate sales around here are a little more civil, but I've never been one to camp out the night before to be first in line....I prefer auctions....that's where I really load up!
Posted by: Mitzi Curi | August 26, 2010 at 01:14 PM
You are so funny! I needed that laugh, and you're not kidding about those estate sales. I innocently wandered into a few, and boy did I get stomped, pushed, and see things snatched.
Posted by: deedee | August 26, 2010 at 01:42 PM
LOL! My neighbor's aunt went around with post its and a sharpie , writing who got what on everything. After the funeral they had like...a treasure hunt! What a hoot!
PS You got some great stuff! But you always do.:)
Posted by: Lisa | August 26, 2010 at 04:57 PM
'Round here, they give numbers & only a certain number (20 maybe?) are allowed in the house at once. And, I have also noticed a lot of older folks...many of them yakking about they had this or that in their attic already.
You scored some great stuff!
Posted by: Kim | August 29, 2010 at 02:28 PM