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May 20, 2010



LOve your goodies -- TOrnadoes --yikes I hate em -- we certainly get our share -- we have HUGE __ 100 yr pld oaks surrounding our house --love the trees but scary in a storm - KAthy - ga ♥


Caged cats and a sequestered lady ~ must have been mighty scary. I thought about you as the storm raced from our little city down to yours. So glad there were no injuries and that the big Waxahachie can still stand up to a posse of Paper Cowgirls. Oh, BTW, I heard Stuart say you can't keep that pink transferware creamer. ~ Angela


my son asked me the other day where i would like to live if we ever moved...i said texas because so many of my blogging peeps are there...and you have the best fleas and antique shows...i am now rethinking that...i do not do tornadoes...or pissed off madison is bad enough when he is not pissed off...LOL...i love all the goodies you found Cindy...or should i say that they found you?


super cute goodies!

Alison Gibbs

Was that you at the mall with your arm twisted so high up your back that you were forced to buy stuff. Yep, thought that was you!!LOL :-)


You always get the best goodies! Love the tray!
PS Glad the tornado missed you and the kitties.:)

Denise Cook

Glad y'all are okay and love the stash! LOL I wish someone would twist my arm and force me to buy goodies!


Love it all!! I have had an itch to go garage/estate hunting. So many signs out this weekend, it was hard to pass up. I know what you mean about the tornado!! I was home by myself and my 17 year old cat. He wasn't too happy about the closet :) Those tornados were UGLY! So glad nobody was hurt or lost their home. Hugs,


Great finds once again. Yes you can keep them.:). Stay safe. Hugs

Oh my!!! Wonderful treasures! To be sure they needed to go home with you. I can just imagine how beautiful they will be in your home!!!
So sorry you had to sit in a laundry room with mad cats. No fun. At all.
Glad you are safe and sound and can enjoy your goodies!!


Such cute stuff! Of course, you couldn't pass it up :)

I can't imagine living where tornadoes are common -- I'll bet that you never get used to it.


Leaving all those treasures there would have been a crime!

karen fullerton

Such great finds!! They would have gone home with me if I found them first! I totally get the laundry room with the cats, we get the hurricanes and the last big one had me hiding in the closet too.
love checking in on you!

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