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April 15, 2010



don't know about your little muse, but mine is dying to do some things...I just keep telling her we have stuff to clean first! It doesn't seem to be working out though, she is sabotaging my cleaning efforts

kathy lowry

Cindy , this is too too cute --
I have a saying from Teresa Mcfayden -- that she gave us in an online class a year ago --
" You are what you eat , so eat something CUTE " I love it -
and adore your little pic - Kathy - ga ♥


maybe your muse was off somewhere munching on peas{?}...LOL...very cute Cindy...i saw one of Hope's journals in person when we did our road trip to Leesburg last was STUNNING!!! she is SO talented!!!

Shelly Massey

You underestimate yourself... I think this is ADORABLE! (and not the result of too much cold medicine!) :)

Thanks for posting... now I have even more journal pages to drool over. :)

Hugs, Shelly

at least you DO your online course...I have only looked at my collage course twice since it began....

I love the picture, I think your muse is telling you something about eating veggies and aprons...very, very cute!!

my fav is "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"


hope | paper relics

LOVE the card!! See you in class!

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