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April 18, 2010



It sounds so much fun! But, Virginia is just a wee bit too far for me to travel right now.

I love that little sheep on your hutch, by the way.

Trudy callan

You are a very busy lady. You can learn how to fit that creativity time in with your busy life by joining us in working through the projects in Shona Cole's book, The Artistic Mother. We are learning how to make a little time each day for our art as well how to balance it all. If you go back and read through my older posts, you will see how inspiring this group is. We also have a Flickr Group where you can see projects that the participants have done so far. The link is in my sidebar.

Let me know if you are in.

Trudy Callan
Host for The Artistic Mother's Art Group

Denise Cook

Cindy thanks for all you are doing, she wanted you to move ahead with PC And she is with you in spirit and she is smiling. Know it is hard but you are strong and we are here for support if you need it! Thanks for urging me to come! I am so anxious to spend time with you and so many talented women! Praying for you and your muse!
PCGirl Denise

kathy lowry

Sweet friend -- your work is excellent and inspiring -- and I see glimpses of your ♥-- in all your work --Kathy - ga ♥

Cami @ Creating Myself

And we appreciate all the hard work Cindy! I know it's a particularly hard time for you, w/out Tina, for many reasons. But you'll get through & it you'll be glad you did. I know I'll be glad you did. ;o) Let me know if there's anything I can do!


Sounds great!! Too far for me though.

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