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December 08, 2009



Mortons, the leader of kosher snow for centuries!

Love it! I must make some snow :)


so clever...and it looks adorable with your little house and fence in place!!!

Vicki Flinchum

How very, very clever of you!!!


So that's how you make snow! LOL
Thanks for the recipe.:)

Dee Dee

Very clever. :) I need to break out White Christmas!


Hey! Mighty clever. Must. Make. Snow. What's your recipe for wind, Mother Nature? Do share, won't ya?! ~ Angela


Mother nature---hahaha-- I prefer no REAL snow, so this is a good way to mimic the look. Glad to know you are decorating there at your place


Great idea! Looks very pretty. It will be an easy clean up too. Not like the mess that is happening outside as I type this.


Angela....Mother Nature sez the recipe for wind is a can of Pinto Beans! :D

-yap cat


Hilarious!! So happy that Mother Nature has a sense of humor. A mild breeze is nice, but not too crazy about blustery winds. Might want to monitor Pinto intake to avoid foul weather. ~ Angela


I love it! I'll have to use this next year...I think that I'm all decorated out this year :) Love that little picket fence too.


Very clever-makes a lovely display! I purchased a small glass dome the other day. I guess it is like I cheese ball cover, but it looks better than that. Anyway, I'm using your little gold deer and trees to create a scene with them and SNOW! I hope to post a pic soon on my blog. I hope, I hope, I hope.


So easy, yet so clever!

meleen dupré


oooh i love having such smart friends!!! thanks for sharing that awesome idea!!!! it looks so cute!!!


kathy lowry

Girl , you are so in tune -sweet
melodies floating all around the south -- Brr - cold here but no snow !! THis is a "GREAT IDEA " --
I so love the little houses -- have several need to be painted etc -- but --so many projects -- may be a New Years --project --
Thanks for the great idea 11 KAthy - ga ♥


You are so smart...I would have bought 20 bottles of glitter:) You should see what's outside my windows right now. We are just thick with the stuff. It does make everything look so much prettier.
Thanks for sharing C.
Merry Christmas Blessings,

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