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September 14, 2009



Yowza! That is a beautiful book, so rich in detail. Checked out the retreat site. Colorado in February sounds great. But, this Texan will just have to "SKI TEXAS" and create art here, as Colorado is just a bit far. Lucky for those close by, though! P.S. ~ I'm certain that your blog title would most certainly aptly describe you as well, silly goose! Thanks for the blog visit ~ Angela


that is gorgeous work!!! thanks for sharing...oooh, and a foodie blog too...i am on the hunt for new recipes...the peeps are getting tired of eating the same thing all the time...i will have to bookmark that for when i have time to browse...thanks for sharing!!!

colorado-here we come!

oh that was was divine!!! this is awesome too...Maybe we should take a road trip!?


WoW...This is just gorgeous!

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