Camp Round Top. As my boss likes to call it. And its sorta like camp, in fun way.
For those that don't know, "Round Top" refers to not only the name of the small town that this Antique-slash-Flea Fest is held in, but the event itself. Round Top is a Texas-sized show that is truly, well, big. And fun. One can find anything from fine, European antiques, to monogrammed Burlap pillows (for a mere $650.00) to hand-made goods and jewelry and clothing. It is a junker's dream and it happens twice a year, every Fall and every Spring.
I was fortunate to get to tag along with my boss, CB as she shopped for the shop. We had our eyes peeled for cool things and fantastic finds. So much eye candy and tons of inspiration. And one of the best parts, finding fellow (or rather gal) bloggers.
The first one I spied with my little eye...why it was Deb and Cat Daddy! at Talking White Trash. What an awesomely, beautiful booth they had.
Deb puts together a great vignette. And of course, I loved the touches of Fall with bittersweet and white pumpkins. You are a true artist Deb! Great pile of old silverware. Just loved the way this all looked together. The weather beaten door, art, fabric and that great branch of bittersweet. Did I mention artist? CB loved this old scale. It was truly a cool find and I think it actually worked. And while the outdoor temps felt like anything BUT Fall (can you say, "sweat fest"), it was fun to pretend. And we did have some cooler temps roll through for a short time on Tuesday morning, after the rain storm. Finally got to see what Zapp Hall was all about. Have I mentioned fun? Even more fun was FINALLY getting to meet Theresa. I think we've only been trying to meet for about two years now. LOL. Her booth was just amazing. Agan, an artist. In the photo above, I just loved the suit case full of wonderful finds. Sweet, little, shabby child-sized chair. Loved the "tumbling" look of the set of tables. And thought about carrying all of these little guys home. Garden finds are a favorite of mine. And I stupidly did not take any pics of people, probably cause we were all melting in the heat. And does anyone really want to see that?After hearing so much about the shop called Leftovers, from the other gals that I work with, I finally got to see it for myself. Wonderful. The lay-outs and displays and merchandise are very pretty and nicely detailed.
The thing that tugged at my heart most was this kitchen. The bead board, cabinets and counter top are what I would like to have in my own home. But I especially admired the artwork on the wall. It is a rusty wire, under which are tucked all sorts of tempting little goodies and whimsies. Here are some close-ups. Old plates, books, photo's... ...even a couple of small, ironstone creamers hangs from the wire. Of course, I especially loved the waded up paper and the wee nest. And I also loved this great wall treatment. Painted, glazed and stamped. But the trip was not complete without a visit to Royers. And as always, it's well, fun and loud. The host (Bud) is snarky (but sweet at heart with a great smile) and the food is fabulous. Two words - Cilantro Ranch Dressing. Ok, that's three words. And steak that melts in your mouth. Awesome.Great atmosphere. But pooh, no one danced on the tables. Well, on the floor, but no tables.
This is the ceiling. And often times, you will get "community" seating. There were our dining companions for the evening. And they were fun. Because they were British. OK, the two on the left are British, the one on the right is American. But he's from New England, so there ya go. LOL. All were shop owners, looking for goods, except Daniel (center) who I think was along for the wild ride. Chauffer I think he said. :DConversation intially centered on shop talk, of course. But soon bits of speak on topics that ranged from Harry Potter to "Bubbles and Squeak" (which is an English dish which consists of leftover Pot Roast and Cabbage) soon made their way into the convo. They were delightful gentlemen (of course, they were British) and we very much enjoyed their company and conversation (and cool accents) for the evening.
Except for, did I mention the downpour? Yes, this was our dinner attire as we made the dash out to Royer's. Tres Chic. We stayed at the most lovely location. The Outpost at Cedar Creek is Texas charm from one end to the other. Lenore was a great hostess (and such a cutie), delightful accommodations and fantastic food, had me wishing I could stay longer. Not once did my hiney hit the hammock, but it sure did want too. I will for sure go back and drag Sweet Hubs along next time. And hey, now only 999 places left to visit before I die. Sounds like a plan to me. Lovely club room. The little Casi-ta we stayed in. It was a grand adventure and with so much inspiration and eye candy, British talk and great food. My creativity is on overload and I'm ready to git to work. So I'll git to it!Happy Wednesday!
Looks like fun! I like the scale, and the interesting dinner companions. ;)
Posted by: Dee Dee | September 30, 2009 at 11:32 AM
ny goodies =so far away --OH that is also on my to do list .Loved where you stayed --and the wire on wall with books --Oh love that idea -- Really harkening back to my country - shabby - days
kathy - ga
Posted by: kathy lowry | September 30, 2009 at 12:32 PM
What an exciting trip you had! I must say that I'm disappointed you did not initiate dancing on the tables at the restaurant. You don't have to be invited, ya know. Just do it! Although, if the tables were tumbling from the ceiling in Alice in Wonderland fashion, I might understand your hesitation to dance upon and about! Actually, that was quite a clever display! Now, it's back to work for you, gurl! ~ Angela
Posted by: Angela | September 30, 2009 at 01:22 PM
wow, that must have been a blast! did you come home with tons of stuff? i those tables, gorgeous! i hope someday i can do some of those fun road trips! hope all is well!
Posted by: susan | September 30, 2009 at 01:43 PM
OH MY YOU MUST HAVE HAD AS MUCH FUN AS WE DID! We were there from Sunday to Wednesday morning. MY FEET HURT!!!! And do you think we lost any weight from walking & sweating. Sunday & Monday were grueling! Tuesday was 98 degrees. Did you see that?????? And can you say humid??? Crazy! I'll try start my post tomorrow since I am too tired (we just got home at 3:30 today). Glad you droped by & liked our Art Group. Rest & try to recover... I know I will. Want to check out where you guys stayed. Looks awesome!
Posted by: Charlene | September 30, 2009 at 02:11 PM
Thanks for posting some great pics. I am not going to make it to Round Top this time, so your photos helped. I am really busy and I think of you when I tell myself that "I am busier than a chicken..."!
I am glad you were able to get away and have some junkin' fun.
Posted by: Nancy E. Davis | September 30, 2009 at 03:03 PM
Oooh, you lucky, lucky girl! Some day I'll manage to make it down there!
Posted by: Alisa | September 30, 2009 at 03:20 PM
Oh, Cindy! You made me feel like I was there! Thanks so much for the tour and all the sweet pics!
Posted by: Lisa | September 30, 2009 at 04:18 PM
Looks like such fun!!
I love it all!
Thanks for sharing,
Posted by: Rosemary | September 30, 2009 at 05:45 PM
Cindy, everything about your trip looks so fun and awesome...take me with next time? i LOVE everything that Theresa has loaded up in that suitcase too...she really has a wonderful eye for display...ADORE the headgear...LOL...
Posted by: Lori | September 30, 2009 at 05:54 PM
Not sure why my earlier post didn't link back, but I'm the dancing table commenter! Just in case you wanted to know who would encourage you to dance without invitation! ~ Angela
Posted by: Angela | September 30, 2009 at 07:31 PM
Okey dokey, let's try that again. Just because I think I figured it out now. ~ Angela
Posted by: Angela | September 30, 2009 at 07:33 PM
OK, that's a great getaway and your photos are wonderful! I love the wire display in the kitchen and, of course, your rain gear--cute pic!
Posted by: Marilyn | September 30, 2009 at 11:20 PM
Oh, man oh man!!! I have wanted to go to Round Top for FOREVER!!!! Thanks for sharing all the fun pictures. I want to do my kitchen with all the fun stuff hanging on the wall, too!! Now. All I have to do is start planning and scheming on how to get there some day!
Posted by: [email protected] | October 01, 2009 at 01:36 PM
Oh, wow. It all looks like an amazing, fun, creative adventure. You are such a lucky girl.
Posted by: Kim | October 01, 2009 at 04:35 PM
Thanks for sharing all the great displays- so much inspiration- I bet you're having a great time!
Posted by: Beth Leintz | October 01, 2009 at 09:03 PM
fun stuff. How is it possible to look so cute in trash bags....Sheesh.
will be fun to play w ideas
Posted by: rusty myself | October 01, 2009 at 09:49 PM
What is it about that wire with all of the stuff tucked in, willy-nilly, that is so appealing? I also loved the pic of the clubhouse with the tole trays displayed on the walls. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Mitzi Curi | October 02, 2009 at 01:54 PM
Such great pics, gurl!! I have never been, but hope to, soon. The Casita is adorable - let's all go next time! The ponchos are hilarious. Have fun this weekend, wish I could be there. In the future, I promise!
Luv, A
Posted by: Andrea at Opulent Cottage | October 02, 2009 at 08:18 PM
It looks like you had a wonderful time!! In spite of the rain!! The American at the table looked more British than the two Brits did!! LOL!! Thanks for all of the great pics. I wish I could've been there. That's for darn sure!! : )
~ Wendy
Posted by: Wendy McDonagh-Valentine | October 04, 2009 at 05:31 PM
So glad you stopped by and glad to have met you. You stopped at some great places at the show. Hope you had a great time and maybe see you next year there, T
Posted by: Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage | October 04, 2009 at 07:13 PM
I am sooo jealous you went! I wanted to attend but had a wedding to go to. Plan on going next Spring though. Will have to get with you to discuss places to visit while there.
Posted by: Donna Goss | October 04, 2009 at 07:22 PM