Notion. Small useful items. Sundries. Or maybe it should read "un" useful items. I mean they are useful, but for some of us, they are just pretty and fun to look at.
And with those thoughts rattling around in my head like bb's in a tin can, I decided I wanted to assemble little packages of notions.
And I don't know really WHY these thoughts came into my head. But I have long since admired the work of Kaari Meng at French General. Her little color palettes (in the book, starting on page 20) always have inspired me and I wanted to do something similar.
So, as I have been estate shopping and such lately, much like a little magpie, I have gathered little bits and pieces here and there. Sometimes with a theme in my head, sometimes not. Later things would just come together once I got them all home.
But they have been very satisfying to play with. And while I have a bit more practice (and gathering of things) before I can attain to her level, well, we will call my little notions "a work in progress".
This was the first one I played with today. I called it "Turkey and Pumpkin Pie". Yeah, I often crack myself up. But all the shades of pumpkin, gold and brown just seemed to lend themselves to that feel. And since buttons are possibly "popped off" at Thanksgiving, well, just seemed like a fun thing to do.
Found this at one of the last estate sales. Were these not fun to play with as kids? It just seemed to be to perfect to put things into. And that and the finding of the wee Turkey, were what started us down rocky, rose path of this gathering. Scary huh? This is probably more of the inner
workings of my brain than you want to know.
This was much along the same lines. Another child's baking toy. And bits and pieces gathered here and there for "colors of the Season". And as I make the final packaging on these, I can see I might have to just tuck a few paper things in, here and there.
This one really went to my head. And it all started with that pile of wee buttons. At the shop where I like to find my buttons at, it is stack after stack of organizers. Each organizer is filled by color. I happened upon a particular box filled with all of these colors.
I thought they were dreamy and they made me think of faded elegance, old taffeta, rusting skirts, vintage pearls and perhaps a party from a long time ago. And that is what started this gathering.
The base is an old Victorian photo frame backing. And I've added bits of old seam binding, and old rhinestone button, old lace and even a broken strand of "pearls".
Kinda fun.
But this little gathering has been "speaking to me" for several weeks now. And as I ran across something that seemed to fit in with the group, I tossed it into the growing little pile. I love yellow and grey (gray?) together. The coolness of the gray again'st the sunny yellow...just makes my brain happy.
And those wee flowers are very vintage. And very sweet.
And I know, to some this is sacrilege. Naughty me. Yep, I (ok, not me, I made my Dad do it) cut up a vintage ruler. I know. I'm sorry. But! C'mon, you know these little bits will be so cool in a book or an art piece or even wire-wrapped for a necklace. I'll take the blame. Naughty, naughty me.
So, that is the story here in the Studio for today. Hope your weekend has been a fantastic one. And if you want to see more, I've thrown these into my Etsy. If you have a "notion" to look. :D