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August 16, 2009


Debbie York

Let's just all go get "falls" like Shelley in "Clam Bake" so we can have perfect hair while skiing...what do you think?
Hope you get back to feeling better real soon!


Sorry to hear you are feeling bad:( Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Take Care - Robin


Hope you're feeling better soon...and when you are, you'll be able to knock out that 'to do' list in no time:)
I love the colors of the shower stuff--are those the invitations? Gorgeous!!

Common Ground

Cindy, when you're sick you are supposed to rest. Don't feel pressure...just take it easy. And watch all the crappy movies you want! I have Bride Wars waiting for me. How about I come down there and we'll watch it together!
Feel better soon. love ya,
p.s. isn't it about time for the pumkin lattes?


i hope you are feeling better soon! i'm sorry, it's lousy when you're sick, just relax :) i've seen the notebook at least 10 times and cry every time i see it!
take care :)


Cindy, you are doing just what you should be doing...resting and drinking that cranberry juice...everything else can wait while you recuperate...


Good Lord woman!! You're sick! Stay your butt on the couch and rest! Then---you'll have all the energy you'll need to do that stuff and it will all turn out all right :)

Mitzi Curi

This morning I looked around my newly remodeled craft room and numerous piles of stuff that need organizing and decided to fluff off by browsing some blogs and here I am, reading about someone that's staring at big piles of stuff.....I guess this is what you call ironic!

Take Care,
Mitzi Curi


I feel for you! I hope you are feeling better today. There is nothing worse than wanting or needing to work on something but having no energy. I loved those Elvis movies yesterday! Wish they would do it more often!! School starts next week, so call me for lunch!! I will send you an email with #...might help, huh?? Sending you lots of sunshine and energy...

the Vintage Rabbit

man...what a Bummer with a capitol "B"... Hope you feel better soon...


Meleen Dupré


hope you're feeling better!!! I'm "back on the couch" too!! can't wait to see julie and julia....hope it stays in theaters for a little while longer!



Oh no, Cindy! Those are just the worst!

Feel better real soon!

Catherine S.

Hope you're better and VERY soon!! xox.


Bladder infections really drain you...more than folks ever imagine. I had my first one ever this April. I now have a saying I like to share with other "mature" women..."You haven't fully embraced womanhood until you've had a bladder infection". Lordy. I used to think my mom was just milking it but it knocked me off my feet. Lay low sweetie and don't push it to hard.


poor kitten ... I hope that you are finally on the mend & can enjoy a weekend full of mojo!

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