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July 12, 2009


Common Ground

Hi There, dear sweet Cindy. You are a brave girl and you are doing the right thing. Your post was way too funny, but I know it's not a lauging matter when your momma's not here. Bless your heart, I'm keeping you in my prayers.
About the dishes, I've emailed Jan, so she may reach you. Haven't heard back from her yet. Somehow I deleted your email address so if you want to send me a quick one again, I'll get it to her. Take care, and let us know how it all comes out. Sorry, couldn't resist.
love ya, Debra

Denise Cook

The princess beter put some reading material by the throne, you will be there for a while. Taking from someone who has been there and done it. Aren't we special that they give this to us at 50's. Prevention is the best medicine though....Hope all goes well with the results and if it does you usually get a ten year repreave.... :) Denise

Tami B.

Good luck :) I had one a couple years ago and it's an experience :) Get a nice stack of books & magazines and get cozy on the couch.

kathy lowry

Thank you for your funny challenge -- but I know to you it is a serious matter -- Thank you for challengeing us to take care of ourselves with checkups -- Kathy - ga


will be thinking good thoughts for you!


Let me assure you that you are indeed a breath of fresh air and a happy ray of sunshine!


Well, speaking from 4 experiences, they have improved the procedure! I promise you the prep will be OVER in a few hours, and depending on when you have the procedure scheduled (hopefully early in the morning) you will get a good night's sleep. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers - you keep thinking positive like you always do! Can't wait to read your 'after' blog!


Brave soul you are. Here's sending positive thoughts your way to help you with your difficult day!

Take Care - Robin


Hi Sweetie,
I will be thinking of you and your "procedure" this week. I'm turning 50 next month--eek!--and will be right there with ya. Thanks for going before me. Love ya, WendyKV xox


You know you'll be in my prayers. I know you are probably having mixed emotions about it all, "butt" know that we've all got your back(side) and will carry you through on a wing and a prayer. Seriously, your sweet mama must certainly be your champion of motivation and inspiration from above in getting you through this ounce of prevention. Will wait to here from you - Angela

the Vintage Rabbit

You will do just fine!!!

Thinking happy thoughts!!


Joanna {sweet finds}

Hey Cindy, you're in my thoughts & prayers. I'm sure everything will be fine! :) big hugs, Joanna


well, you are right...the prep is probably the worst get good drugs for the "procedure"...good luck with your test...i will be thinking about grandmother died from colon cancer several years ago...early detection and treatment really is key...thanks for spreading the news:)


You are brave. I haven't done this yet, because I am a big baby.
I will send good thoughts your way.


I'll be thinking of you my friend!! You will be fine! :)mendy

Irma's Rose Cottage

I been there and done it. The prep is the hardest...having to drink all of that liquid stuff. I know you will be fine.

Hugs :)


Linda Harre

Cindy.............Love your post....LOL! I am truely sorry to hear about your mom though. I had one last year....nothing to it (except like you said, the day before is a little dicey - is that a word?) Hubby is getting ready for his first as well. Whatever you're will be over in NO TIME:)


You make me smile, dear. So many times!! Not sure if that qualifies as sunshine in the nether-regions, though. . .

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