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May 18, 2009



They are just beautiful and I love the matchbox! I too struggle with doing such tiny work...but love what everyone else creates.

Take Care - Robin

kathy lowry

Girl, these are the sweetest - I too love little things --but wow these are so detailed -- great job - and of course love the bling ! Kathy - ga


Oooh! So darlin'! I heart teeny stuff too (O:

Lisa Hessabi

You're too sweet, Cindy!! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :o)
Big Hugs!!


Oh very cute. Love the round ones

Tumble Fish Studio

They are beautiful! I just recently made my first matchbox filled with 5 little collaged cards inside - it was a challenge! So I truly appreciate the efforts and highly compliment the results! Very lovely!


wow! what wonderful delights you've been showered with ... the ones she made AND the ones for play!

Tami B.

Little tiny works of art! So pretty!

dissertation writing

Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!


Oh my gosh...I love miniature too and these teeny pieces of art are incredible! What an amazing swap--lucky you!

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