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March 26, 2009


DeeDee Roe

Ooooh how fun! :)


those will make a colorful Easter basket for sure!!!


Super shiny and bright! When you said Wally's are you referring to Walmart ?

Cause I always call it Wally world...
to funny!

Denise Cook

Love the bright colors and they are so happy looking. My sons work for Wally World, TEE Hee, and Cindy I loved M.E. Moses,our chickys colored never made it so Mom quit trying after 2nd time. But when mom married a farmer she raised chicky's and then ducky's for her pond They thought they were their mom cause she hatched em....LOL Memories
Denise Tx


Can't wait to see the baskets!

kathy lowry

all I can say is yumm - love all t6he marshmallow chick -- and telling my age -always liked those candy eggs in cellophane -- Don't think they even have those now -
Kathy - ga

Tumble Fish Studio

Hi Cindy! Thanks for stopping by! I've been blurking a bit over here and haven't commented like I should. I have another blog buddy, Jamie at Art-e-ology, that was at DW at the same time you were! So, I was doubly jealous. It's always a pleasure to visit your yummy blog - so full of treasures and treats!

Stacey Newton

Love those colors! I wonder if the bunny is white chocolate or perhaps an orange flavor...
Also, Happy Late Birthday! It looks like you had a fabulous time:)

didn't you ever wonder if the pink or purple dyes hurt the little chickies? I did. I like chocolate ones better anyway:)


My sweet tooth and I were pleasantly surprised with the great selection of Easter goodies at Walmart this year too! Of course, I just had to taste test the new peeps to see if the new colors taste different from the old ones. And all the new malteds too. The my three grandsons and I think the orange malteds are the best. Yeah, better head to the gym soon!

meleen dupré


just catching up with your posts and soooo happy to see you made it to dis!!! i remembered you left a comment last year saying you wanted to go...hope you had a wonderful time!!!



leave it to you to find the perfect way to color coordinate Easter baskets ... love it. :)


That's so cool! My youngest would LOVE a green Easter bunny!

jessi nagy

now you know i love the bright colors, funness!!!

Melissa Fischer

I saw all those great colorful candies the other day AND that is exactly what I had in mind for my kids easter baskets! I love the color theme idea too- Pink for my little girl and blue for my son!

Irma's Rose Cottage

Wow! Love the metallic color. I will need to go by Wally World and get some. I will need to get the Pink of course.

Hugs :)


The Vintage Rabbit

i bought the aqua ones last year...but great to know about the other colors...and I think they taste great!!!

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