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November 22, 2008



Those shoes!!!!SOOO cute!
Happy Pink Saturday to you!!!
Make sure and stop to say hi:)
Blessing on thanksgiving next week!



Ooh, pretty! I can almost translate it....! thanks!

have a lovely Pink Saturday!

Fifi Flowers

Happy Pink Saturday! ENJOY your day! Fifi


these are beautiful pink pics. Love that first one - so wonderful eye candy! Have a great weekend!

Julie (Fabulous Finds Studio)

I love the photos...too fabulous! Pink Saturday looks so fun :-)

Lynne Laura

WOW, love this magazine...I will have to purchase. I haven't seen it here,but I am sure I can get it on line.

THanks Cindy.

Kindredly, Lynne Laura


Bonjour Cindie (french for Cindy LOL) It's a great magazine. Aren't those pink forturne cookies yummy? :)Nancy


Hey C - I saw this right after I read your post and thought of you LOL


WOW. Those are awesome. When I saw the first picture, I thought they were items you had made. They are all so pretty.


Sis- don't I WISH! LOL!
-yap cat


NANCY! ROFLPIMP!!! ohmygosh...that is soooooo funny! And so perfect! Thanks for the great laugh this morning!
-yap cat


PINK treasures!! I love that mag too! Those little shoes are incredible!!!

Happy Pink Saturday...and..

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Denise Fontaine

Wow! I love that magazine! Thank you for comment on my flick! Dale is really talented!


Love the little pink shoes. I would love to have all those ornaments on my tree. Happy Pinkness


Hi again YapCat! I left something for you on my blog. And yes, that was hysterical and I saw it right after I read your post! :)Nancy


How all those pinks.
Happy belated Pink Saturday..


Hi there
That is a very pretty magazine..lovely eye candy even if its hard to read.
I know with the shoes they are talking about the financier which is a small gold cake and I know bouchon is cork. Hiver ... is winter decorate with passion. I'll have to look out for it also.
Thank you for sharing and good luck reading..guess thats why lots of pictures are worth a thousand words..*s*..
come by and visit.


I have heard of that magazine, but I have never seen it--judging from the pictures you shared, it is great! I loved those little baby shoes!
Hope your Pink Sat. was wonderful! Dana

Chloe Patricia

Cindy - thank you for visiting my blog yesterday and thank you for sharing beautiful photos. I especially like the pink fortune cookies. Chloe Patricia

Happy To Be

Those shoes are the sweetest thing and in PINK...hugs and smiles Gloria

victoria ~ auction girl vintage

Hey Cindy, here's some extra goodies a la Marie Claire:

Group Marie Claire Website - this is their corporate site, with links to all the different French magazines that are part of the Marie Claire Group, including Cosmo, Marie Claire Idees, Marie Claire Maison (House), Les Idees Jardin (Gardin), and others --
Most of the magazines are linked to their individual websites

And here's a direct link to the Marie Claire Idees website/blog, which is eye candy central --

You said you don't read French (c'est dommage), so here's how to translate entire pages and websites into English:

1. Go to

2. Next to the main search box, click on Language Tools

3. Copy the url/address for any webpage and paste it into the window in the section called TRANSLATE A WEB PAGE.

Try this with the Marie Claire Idees blog. The page will open and all html content will be in English (text in graphics or in Flash and Javascript applications will not be translated). Any time you click a link on the translated page, the new page will also open in English. It's a very cool tool.

Of course, you can skip the translation and just look at pretty pictures if you like :o) Group Marie Claire has a couple dozen European magazines, and they're all gorgeous :o)



I have heard alot about that magazine, but can never seem to find it. Glad you posted a photo-maybe I'll be able to spy it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Sondra Behne

Your right, that magazine looks inviting, I think I will definitly check it out, thanks for the heads up.

Erin Kleider

Yummy Pink Saturday blog. I guess I must have missed yours on Saturday. I thought I had gotten to everyone! Happy Pink Tuesday before Thanksgiving!

Sarah Keith

I always see this magazine but still have never looked at one. I think I'm gonna need to purchase one!
Happy Thanksgiving
Just want to make sure...did you get the package?


Wow, what an awesome edition of Marie Claire. The images are gorgeous.

Happy Pink Saturday. I am sorry I am late getting around, but I am trying to catch up.

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