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May 12, 2008


Lisa Hessabi

Thanks, Cindy!! For spreading the word. I just sent my emails, and it only too 1 minute like you said. I'm going to post this on my blog also.


I support this Bill.

Fair use has been gutted, we can have a private free exchange of information on the internet or we can have copyright laws. There is not room for both.

I will not sacrifice freedom of speech, privacy and the basic realities of the internet to maintain outdated business models.

Simple remedy, keep your business out of my library.

If you don't want it on the internet don't upload it.


Thanks for your comment on my blog.
Ok, so my rights end, so yours can win? That does'nt seem right does it? Part of the reason I part my art work on the internet is too attract buyers and to converse and share with other artists. Is the internet only to be used for porn and Craig's List? Gimme a break man. Please explain why "fair use" as you say, has been gutted? And since when do you "own" the library? It's not your living room for Pete's sake...last time I drove past ours, it was not "Jim's Library" it was the PUBLIC Library. Who says the current laws are outdated? They have existed for years and have worked quite well thank you. What is to be gained by the passing of this bill? You say there is no room for both and YOU will not sacrifice your where does that leave my freedom? What is to be gained by the passing of this bill? As a concerned artist, I really would be interested in hearing as to why you would support this bill. And, I'm just small potatoes, there is a larger discussion here:

Again, thanks for your comment. After reading CH's comments again this morning, there seems to be some confusion as to the actual wording of the bill and what it would really mean, but can one every act to quickly if it feels as though one's rights are going to be taken away?

-yap cat

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