Heather had a great posting today about five things that made her happy. She asked what five things made us happy and so, being at a loss for anything else to post about, I thought that I would follow suit.
Lots of things make me happy. Overall, I tend to be a pretty happy kinda gal. It goes without saying that the hubby, my faith, family, friends, crafts, reading, magazines and cheesecake all add up to keep me in grins. While I could go on and on, for so many things make me happy, here are five, chosen for no particular reason:
1. I love color. It makes me so happy. But one in particular is a favorite and always causes my heart to beat a little faster......RED. Red always makes me happy. Especially if it is in the form of toiler, gingham or cherries or any combination of the three. But not real cherries, OK, real to look at but not to eat. I'm not real fond of that particular fruit, other than to look at. Love to look at it. But to eat, no. Remember that scene in, "The Witches of Eastwick"...the cherry pit scene....gag-o! Anyway, I digress. LOVE RED.
2. These furry clowns. Actually should have put them first. Big goobers. This pic is old. They both could not fit in that chair together now, unless you squished them into it. Big Fat Cats. The black one is twelve pounds, the tort is ten. But yeah, the pitter patter of these four combined feet always makes me pretty happy, unless it is a huge race at 3 a.m. and that is usually a guarantee to make me unhappy. Or unless I am being scammed for food, as is the case this very moment.
3. Rain. Yep, Rain makes me happy. Not tornadoes or flooding. Just a nice stormy day...a gray cloudy day, some thunder, the patter of rain on the roof....I dunno why, but it just makes me happy. specially if I can stay inside nice and cozy and not have to go out in it. Going out in it would fall under the category of unhappy. Greatly.
4. Tea. Cold in the summer, hot in the winter. Tea just makes me happy. Where I work they have the best iced tea. It's an orange citrus/spice tea that is fantastic. Mildly spiced (cinnamon) and orange that is so refreshing and tasty....LOVE IT. Which is funny, cause as a child I hated tea. That's pretty much blasphemy in the South, to hate sweet tea. But ehhhh, as a kid, not so much. But now, could drink gallons.
5. Tea towels. Old or new, I have a tea towel thang. "Hello, my name is Cindy, I have a tea towel addiction." I especially love the colors on the old ones, they are just so pretty. I am always so tickled to find one in decent shape at a good price. I don't usually use my old ones, I just keep them stacked in a wire basket to look at. Just seems to add a sweet touch to the kitchen. But for everyday drying and usage that's when I drag out the new Xochi.
So there you have it. Five things that make me smile and make my little heart happy.
So, what makes you happy?